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Completed Research Projects

Indicadores Ambientais Urbanos como apoio às Políticas Públicas Sustentáveis
(2021 - 2022)

O processo de urbanização das cidades brasileiras espelha a insustentabilidade, gerando hipertrofia no uso de recursos naturais, degradação ambiental e desigualdade social. Emerge deste contexto a necessidade de recuperar a sustentabilidade e a qualidade de vida, nos centros urbanos.  Para tanto, torna-se necessário gerar informações ambientais que permitam monitorar os fenômenos urbanos com base em um conjunto de evidências. Destas considerações surge um desafio: o que medir e como medir. O presente estudo vai se valer de uma metodologia qualitativa e bibliográfica; buscar-se-á discutir se os indicadores são suficientes, abrangentes, confiáveis e verificar se atendem as condições necessárias para a avaliação da gestão ambiental, nas cidades. A pesquisa propõe-se a examinar a aderência da base teórica com as políticas públicas urbanas sustentáveis implementadas e detalhar como medir a qualidade do meio ambiente.

Integrantes: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordenador / Carlos Honorato Schuch Santos - Integrante / Daiane Lippert - Integrante / Andreia Pandolfo - Integrante.

Gestão sustentável dos resíduos eletrônicos nas capitais da região sul do Brasil
(2020 - 2021)

A inserção do conceito de sustentabilidade nas organizações, implica repensar o processo produtivo, da concepção ao descarte do produto. Assim, surgiram propostas como logística reversa e economia circular. Todavia, ela deve ser praticada também pelo Estado e pela sociedade; é sabido que o descarte irregular de resíduos eletrônicos pode resultar em contaminação do meio ambiente por metais pesados. A questão que orienta a pesquisa é: como ocorre a produção de resíduos eletrônicos nas capitais da região sul do Brasil? Com o objetivo geral de analisar a produção de resíduos eletrônicos nas capitais da região sul do Brasil, o estudo exploratório busca identificar materiais utilizados, mapear os fluxos de logística reversa e descrever o marco legal dos descartes para, então, propor alternativas de legislação e de processos, e um modelo de aferição da maturidade das organizações na gestão de descarte de resíduos eletrônicos..

Integrantes: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordenador / Cristina Albrecht - Integrante / Marc François Richter - Integrante / Carlos Honorato Schuch Santos - Integrante.

Tourism on rural properties in São Francisco de Paula and sustainable regional development
(2019 - 2020)

The research aims to analyze the potential for the development of Rural Tourism in the city of São Francisco de Paula. The research problem that supports this study is How to enhance Sustainable Rural Tourism in São Francisco de Paula? Method: Literature review: based on books, journals and scientific articles (Gil, 2002); electronic portals and works in printed format (LAKATOS; MARCONI, 2008); Data collection from the city's Tourism Department on the municipality's rural environment and the identification of the existence or not of Public Policies, aimed at Rural Tourism; Application of data collection instruments, in the form of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, in rural properties, with residents and tourists. Results: It is expected that the research results can contribute to the organization of public policies in the city of São Francisco de Paula. And also for the development of the Rural Tourism segment, through the perception of rural properties, residents and tourists.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Vanessa Karine Spindler - Member / Angela Cristina Albarello - Member.

The contributions of the Circular Economy to Sustainability Policies in the areas of Urban Mobility and Solid Waste in the State of Rio Grande do Sul
(2019 - 2020)

Sustainability conditions development in order to provide the well-being of present generations without harming future generations. Despite the principle of sustainability being included in the 1988 FC with binding effects on Public Management and economic agents, there are gaps between the political-legal forecast and reality. The urban mobility and solid waste areas have legislation that contains the policies of these sectors; however, disorderly urbanization and inadequate solid waste management are recurrent in our cities. The problem question that supports this research proposal is: how do public policies and the management of Urban Mobility and Solid Waste in Rio Grande do Sul incorporate the CE principles? This is an exploratory-descriptive study with documental consultation that has Rio Grande do Sul as its research universe, considered in its seven mesoregions. In addition to the legal framework, the data to be analyzed on Urban Mobility and Solid Waste will be collected in publicly accessible databases. The analysis will be carried out in a comparative way between the guidelines, principles and objectives of the national policy in these areas and the management. Subsequently, the alternatives offered by the EC will be identified to minimize possible gaps between the legal and the real. The expectation is that the research results, based on the alternatives offered by the CE, can help to minimize the possible "gaps" between the political-legal dimension and the management plan.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Carlos Honorato - Member / Clódis Andrades Filho - Member / Cyro Gudolle Sobragi - Member / Cristina Albrecht - Member.

Interdisciplinarity in Public Administration: A Latin American Vision
(2019 - 2020)

The provision of public services in a Democratic Rule of Law (EDD) implies acting efficiently and effectively. Public policies, programs and state actions, along these lines, need to impact society, contributing to social and economic improvements. The structure of Public Administration (PA), especially in South America and Brazil, has historically proved to be insufficient to offer results compatible with the needs of societies. Due to the existence of gaps in the training of public managers, this study aims to analyze the relevance of interdisciplinarity in the delimitation of the AP field. The research draws on the identification of objects of study in related areas, the establishment of a link between these objects of study and the examination of their contributions with the so-called field of AP. It uses an interdisciplinary approach with AP occupying the top of a relationship established with a group of other related disciplines. The subjects considered as related were selected from the confluence of these areas and the contents provided for the basic training of the Public Administrator, in accordance with Resolution No. 1/2014 establishing the National Curriculum Guidelines for the AP undergraduate course. The research question that supports this work is: is interdisciplinarity present and sufficiently present in Latin American university programs that train public administrators? The general objective of this research is to analyze the insertion of interdisciplinarity in undergraduate courses in Public Administration at a higher education institution in Latin America. The expectation is that the research results can contribute to the delimitation of the public field, as although this field has sparse contributions, it lacks a methodology that consolidates a current and contextualized theoretical basis for PA.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Carlos Honorato - Member / Paola Carmen Cánepa Valenzuela - Member / Luis Henrique Dias Fernandes - Member.

The importance of social participation in the permanent construction of citizenship

This project aims to analyze the effectiveness and influence of social participation in Social Control instances. The justification for this work is inserted in the current management context of the Unified Health System (SUS), which places users of the health system as protagonists in decision-making processes related to the field of health, and provides opportunities for knowledge of their own society on the importance of social participation for better resource management. The methodology used can be characterized as being a qualitative, documentary and exploratory research. The data to answer the research question will be collected through consultations of the minutes of the meetings of the Health Councils and the reports of the Health Conferences, held in the periods of 2016 and 2017 in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. work, determine the degree of effectiveness of participation in the places consulted, in addition to evaluating this process and proposing possible solutions.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Carlos Honorato - Member / Carla Garcia Bottega - Member.

Interdisciplinarity in Public Administration - Phase III

The provision of public services in a Democratic Rule of Law (EDD) implies acting efficiently and effectively. Public policies, programs and state actions, along these lines, need to impact society, contributing to social and economic improvements. The structure of Public Administration (PA), especially in South America and Brazil, has historically proved to be insufficient to offer results compatible with the needs of societies. This study, due to the existence of gaps in the training of public managers, proposes to analyze the relevance of interdisciplinarity in the delimitation of the AP field. link between these objects of study and the examination of their contributions with the so-called field of AP. It uses an interdisciplinary approach with AP occupying the top of a relationship established with a group of other related disciplines. The subjects considered as related were selected from the confluence of these areas and the contents provided for the basic training of the Public Administrator, in accordance with Resolution No. 1/2014 establishing the National Curriculum Guidelines for the AP undergraduate course. The problem question that supported the present work was: is interdisciplinarity a basic condition in the construction and training of public managers? To partially answer this problem, the general objective is to build foundations, related to interdisciplinarity, that can be used when designing the structure of training programs for public managers. The expectation is that the research results can contribute to the delimitation of the public field, as although this field has sparse contributions, it lacks a methodology that consolidates a current and contextualized theoretical basis for PA.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Carlos Honorato - Member / Mauro Mastella - Member / Juliano Prado Stradioto - Member.

Institutional cooperation in water resources: New Forms of Management in Hydrographic Basins in RS? Phase III
(2017 - 2018)

The publication of waters in the Federal Constitution of 1988 reserved the ownership of water resources to the Union (art. 20, III) and to the Member States (art. 26, I). In the constitutional text, the principles that serve as a reference for the rules of action before the international community are listed, with the prevalence of human rights, cooperation and the peaceful solution of conflicts being present (art. 4º CF/88). Within the scope of the Brazilian federation, art. 241 of the Magna Carta, sought to provide the necessary instruments for the construction of an effective cooperation between federated entities (MORBIDELLI, 1999, p. 245-250; FERRAZ, 1999, p. 51-57) in the management of public services, as a species of collaboration towards a common goal. The infra-constitutional legal framework, through Law 9433/1997, established the hydrographic basin as a planning unit because it is a geographical unit that allows an integrated approach to the various aspects that interfere with the use of water resources and their environmental protection (PORTO, 2008, p.43). By providing for these constitutional provisions, this Law established principles for the management of water resources, recognizing water as an economic good, the importance of its multiple uses and the need for decentralized and participatory management. Art. 4 of the aforementioned ?Water Law? determined the articulation of the Union and the States, with a view to managing water resources of common interest. Complementary Law No. 140, of December 8, 2011, when setting standards, pursuant to art. 23 of the Federal Constitution, for cooperation between the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities in administrative actions arising from the exercise of common competence relating to the protection of remarkable natural landscapes, the protection of the environment, the fight against pollution in any of its forms and the preservation of forests, fauna and flora; establishes, among the administrative actions of the Union (art. 7, item VII), the promotion of the articulation of the National Environmental Policy with those of Water Resources, Regional Development, Territorial Planning and others. However, both at the level of formulation and at the level of policy implementation, issues may arise that make it difficult or impossible to achieve the objectives established for these policies. The little use of cooperation mechanisms can affect the results of policies, preventing the achievement of objectives. The study starts from the hypothesis that institutional cooperation - cooperation policies and integrated management - is underutilized in the area of water resources and will seek to answer the following research question: How to use new forms of management (provided by institutional cooperation) in basins Can hydrographic systems in the State of Rio Grande do Sul contribute to the minimization of environmental impacts and address the issues of scarcity of these resources?

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Ricardo Letizia Garcia - Member / Carlos Honorato - Member.

Interdisciplinarity in Public Administration
(2017 - 2018)

The provision of public services in a Democratic Rule of Law (EDD) implies acting efficiently and effectively. Public policies, programs and state actions, along these lines, need to impact society, contributing to social and economic improvements. The structure of Public Administration (PA), especially in South America and Brazil, has historically proved to be insufficient to offer results compatible with the needs of societies. This study, due to the existence of gaps in the training of public managers, proposes to analyze the relevance of interdisciplinarity in the delimitation of the AP field. link between these objects of study and the examination of their contributions with the so-called field of AP. It uses an interdisciplinary approach with AP occupying the top of a relationship established with a group of other related disciplines. The subjects considered as related were selected from the confluence of these areas and the contents provided for the basic training of the Public Administrator, in accordance with Resolution No. 1/2014 establishing the National Curriculum Guidelines for the AP undergraduate course. The problem question that supported the present work was: is interdisciplinarity a basic condition in the construction and training of public managers? To partially answer this problem, the general objective is to build foundations, related to interdisciplinarity, that can be used when designing the structure of training programs for public managers. The expectation is that the research results can contribute to the delimitation of the public field, as although this field has sparse contributions, it lacks a methodology that consolidates a current and contextualized theoretical basis for PA.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Ricardo Letizia Garcia - Member / Carlos Honorato - Member / Mauro Mastella - Member.

Completed Extension Projects

II Cycle of Debates on the Tragedy of the Commons Today: Tragedy of the Commons or Tragedy of the Commons?
(2019 - 2019)

The project consists of a cycle of lectures and debates expanding the outreach activity carried out in 2018 "The Tragedy of the Commons Today: Its Legacy in the Development of Public Policies", with a more direct approach and focused on two themes: solid waste and urban mobility . It is characterized as an extension course in the area of Social Sciences, specifically in the theme of Public Policy, where the consequences of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and Elinor Östrom's "Government of the Commons" in the fields of public policy will be debated. solid waste and urban mobility policy.

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Carlos Honorato - Member / Clódis Andrades Filho - Member / Cristina Albrecht - Member / Cyro Gudole Sobragi - Member.

The Tragedy of the Commons Today: Its Legacy in Public Policy Development
(2018 - 2018)

The concept "Tragedy of the Commons" was originally based on an essay by William Foster Lloyd on common land tenure in medieval villages. With the publication in 1968 of the essay " The Tragedy of the Commons ", in the journal Science, Garrett Hardin not only popularized the expression but also started an academic debate that continues to this day. The Tragedy of the Commons explained the tendency of human beings to use a common resource exhaustively without worrying about other users. If a person uses a common resource, the benefits of its use are diminished, generating a negative externality for everyone who needs the resource. Hardin's (1968) work aroused different positions, some in favor and others against, in relation to his arguments, but the most important thing was the fact that he presented the problem for society to discuss. This debate is current and meets a demand from the academic community, public bodies and society as a whole, as it is essential for the reconstruction of the State-society-environment link and its development model. In this discussion, three lines of argument can be observed. They are: a) ideological-cultural: which discusses the concepts of what a common good is and whether they are desirable or not in relation to their privatization; b) empirical evidence: that discuss whether the experiences of the real world, yesterday and today, corroborate or not the dysfunctions pointed out by Hardin; and c) area of influence of the "tragedy of the commons": which means identifying in which areas of knowledge (ecology, sociology, economics, ...) Hardin's proposal can be better used to identify those problems in society, which have multiple origins , but which need to be resolved based on a set of (interdisciplinary) knowledge so that one can "live better in society". One of the examples that can be used to highlight the importance of the debate is the relationship between the Tragedy of the Commons and environmental resources. In this theme, which is so dear for everyone's survival in this 21st century, one can think that environmental resources are compromised by the freedom of use of individuals ?The freedom of the commons leads to the ruin of all? (HARDIN, 1968). This conclusion gained the status of scientific law and was used in the formulation of resource management policies (MATTHEWS, 1988 apud Feeny et al., 1990). The publication of the "Tragedy of the Commons" allowed for the emergence of several questions about the right to property and its externalities, including studies for the design of legal instruments that aim to reduce this problem. Civil society organized itself and has promoted actions to prevent the tragedy of the commons, such as: a) the environmental movement; and b) creation of legal decision models that aim to limit environmental degradation. The Tragedy of the Commons explained the tendency of human beings to use a common resource exhaustively without worrying about other users. If a person uses a common resource, the benefits of its use are diminished, generating a negative externality for everyone who needs the resource. The State, in theory, has a central role in maintaining the balance between sustainable economic development, regulating and overseeing the use of resources beyond the optimal level, but what we see today is that somehow the States are failing to fulfill their central role .

Members: Celmar Corrêa de Oliveira - Coordinator / Carlos Honorato - Member / Ana Carolina Martins da Silva - Member / Clódis Andrades Filho - Member / Leonardo Berold - Member / Francisco Milanez - Member

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